As past chair of NAATP’s Ethics Committee, Jay was instrumental in important changes made to the organization’s code of ethics. In addition, Jay serves as Treasurer/Secretary of the Foundation of Recovery Science and Education. He has also served on an advisory committee with LegitScript, certification that lets search engines know which treatment centers operate safely and legally. So long to your charms and momentary pleasures, for the bludgeoning you have delivered to me has revealed your exact nature. The impending calamity in your course will no longer be one I will tread.

It’s easy, and confidential – call us to learn about the different teen treatment programs we offer. Hannah Rose, LCPC, is a therapist, writer, public speaker, and lover of all things caffeinated. When I struggle through Top 5 Questions to Ask Yourself When Choosing Sober House long days and hard nights, they help me get through them. Not for one second will I ever consider running back into your embrace. I guess I should thank you for forcing me into this great new life that I lead.

Letter To Addiction: Saying Goodbye to Heroin

That said, I know I cannot blame you entirely for the way things have gone. Just as I am working to regain control in my life, I am also taking responsibility. I chose to start our relationship, and now I am choosing to end it.

It’s nice knowing you no longer have a say in my thoughts, my actions or my life, for that matter, and that I’m driving this bus now. I get to decide how I spend my time and with whom I spend it with. Lucky for me I finally wised up to all the lies you told me for so many years.

Goodbye Letter to Drugs and Reasons for Change

We had a great relationship and you did exactly that. I hated you and what you had done to me, but I was too scared to leave. I was scared of what life would be like without you. I watched you dig my grave as the days went by, but never once did I try to fill it back up.

goodbye letter to addiction

I was treated like a human who had a medical condition. It was how I was treated that led me to think that I should pay attention to what they ask me to do. Thankfully I did, and I believe that’s what made treatment successful and led to long-term recovery. Fortunately for me, my world crumbled when I lost a close family member. That led to a massive binge where I used more drugs than ever over a week-long period.

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I was sick with withdrawal from you, but I felt your hold weakening. Afterwards, I went to an inpatient treatment center where I made friends with a bunch of other people whose lives, like mine, you had wrecked. We bonded over and shared stories about what you’d done, what you’d made us do. I’m starting to think this letter isn’t a ‘Goodbye’ letter and really is a love letter.

  • Your gift to Cumberland Heights through our annual and capital initiates gives immediate support to patients and their families.
  • You told me that you were a part of normal life.
  • For me, the most impactful part of treatment was writing a Dear John letter (aka a goodbye letter) to my drug addiction.
  • I don’t miss waking up at all hours of the night, reaching for you at my bedside and having to drink some of you in order to control my convulsing body.

Memory loss, heart conditions, and a weakened immune system are only a few of the many long-term drug abuse effects. Without community support during your recovery, it can be challenging to say goodbye to your addiction. Fortunately, at the bitter end of my addiction, I made a smart choice to go to treatment.

For that reason, we offer dual-diagnosis treatment for those suffering from substance abuse and undiagnosed mental illness. While our clinical team recommends therapeutic writing, we also know there is more to accomplish for a successful recovery. Resurgence Behavioral Health will assess your unique needs and design a treatment plan individualized for you. Saying goodbye to your addiction enables you to recognize your past, honor your new life path, and provide closure. At Resurgence Behavioral Health, we provide a community of support that makes saying goodbye to your addiction achievable and realistic.

  • What you do with your completed letter is up to you.
  • A goodbye addiction letter might be one method to help you on your path.
  • Robin accepted her role at Cumberland Heights in 2006.
  • If I returned to you, I know I’d be hooked again.

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